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Fitness Testimonial from my client Nicole Leamer

My client Nicole is amazing. She is a person with determination like no other. She wrote this testimonial 4 weeks prior to the picture below. I'm so proud of her results!!

"Six months ago, I toyed with the idea of signing up with a personal trainer for the first time in my life. Having always been a fairly active person, I’m probably more fit than the average person my age. However, over time, I found that pounds had slowly crept on, and I’d grown more and more dissatisfied with my state of fitness and, I’ll be honest, my appearance. I really needed to shake up my fitness routine, because ‘routine’ it was, and I was bored by it.

I signed up with Alcine for 3 main reasons: 1) To be pushed in my workouts, 2) To mix up my
routine, learning new techniques, machines, etc., and 3) To see how my fitness level could change if
I took my personal preferences/techniques out of the equation. After training with Alcine for several
weeks, I can say I have never been stronger, ever, in my life. My workouts are more efficient, my back, chest, and other neglected parts are at their best, my instability issues have been resolved (I’m now equally strong on my left and right sides), my balance has improved dramatically, and I have completed so many workouts that I never thought I could do (ahem, bench press).

My 4 favorite things about working out with Alcine: 1) Every workout is new and different—
I’m always challenged, interested, and engaged, as we go from classic weightlifting moves to novel uses of machines to Pilates and boxing and throwing tires, 2) Workouts are perfectly tailored to my physical limitations (for example, tendinitis in a joint) and there are always a variety of alternate workouts for me, and 3) Alcine’s personal style of encouragement and accountability combined with her belief that YES, you can do a few more reps always drives me to do all I can every single session.

I never thought my instability issues would improve so much, or that I’d have so much fun each and every session, all while getting great definition in my arms, legs, and back. For anyone who is
considering signing up with a personal trainer, to jump start their fitness routine, get back on the wagon, or lose fat and gain muscle, I can’t recommend Alcine strongly enough. Alcine’s own personal fitness and health journey is simultaneously inspiring and relatable, and her knowledge as a fitness professional is broad and always growing. She has a true passion for health, strength training, and helping people improve their lives. I’m so glad I signed up with her 6 months ago, and I can’t wait to see where I’ll be physically in 4 weeks for my wedding!"


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