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AlcineXtreme’s 6 Week Weight/Fat Loss Challenge

AlcineXtreme’s 6 Week Weight/Fat Loss Challenge
Get Lean in 2016!!!!

When: February 1, 2016 – March 13, 2016

Where: Anywhere

Who: Anyone looking to lose at least 4% body fat

Why: Not everyone started 2016 strong, so here’s chance to start again.

  •  Participants must register by February 5, 2016 and pay the $10 entry. (NO REFUNDS!!)
  •  All competitors must complete all forms in order to participate.
  •  Missing three weigh-ins in a row will result in disqualification.
  •  All weigh-ins must be done on Sunday by 12pm and sent in via email to You must take a picture of you on the scale with a piece of paper near the scale with the current date and your name on it. If you miss a weigh in that is a $5 penalty.
  •  If you gain, for each pound you gain there will be a $1 penalty.
  •  All food must be logged with the app MyFitnessPal. For each day you miss, there will be a $5 penalty.
  • Competitors must eat at least 3 meals per day, no starvation diets (There will be a penalty of $1 for each meal missed – minimum 3)

Determination of Winners:
Winners are determined based on the DIFFERENCE between the participant’s initial and final body fat measurements NOT the percentage of the two measurements. For example, if your initial body fat measurement was 32% and your final measurement was 20% then the DIFFERENCE is 12% and that will be the number used in determining the winners.

  • I understand that there is a 5-pound weight loss credit cap for the final weigh-in.
  • I understand that the final results will be based on my last paid up weight.
  • I understand that once my weight has been recorded, there is no do-over. I must empty my pockets of keys, phones, and other paraphernalia before I get on the scale.
  •  I understand and agree to pay all of the fees associated with the contest.
  • I have consulted my doctor or another medical professional before starting a diet and exercise regimen.

  • Entry fee: $10
  • Weight Gain Penalty: $1/partial lb.
  • Missed MyFitnessPal Meal Log in: $5/day
  • Missed Weigh-In Penalty: $5/week
  • *Fees are non-refundable

All participants interested in this challenge must register by February 5, 2016. Our first initial weigh in will be February 7, 2016. It is $10 and the winner (whoever loses the most body fat) will win 50% of the pot. So if we get 10 people registered the winner will win a minimum of $50.

To register email me ( the following information:

Will you be seeking personal training with AlcineXtreme Fitness?
Before Pictures (Front, Back and Side)


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