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Don't give up!

Happy Sunday!

I'm currently in Atlanta trying to escape Hurricane Irma, but it looks like she followed me here.
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Well, I decided to take this time and do a blog about working out and trying to stay healthy in life. So, to give a little background, I'm a single mother of an awesome 10 month old boy with absolutely no help. I have gained about 30 pounds total in the last 2+ years of me being back in the states (I used to live in Germany). Now, I know what contributed to my weight gain. 2015 I had surgery to remove 5 tumors from my stomach, then I was separated from my ex-husband, divorced, got pregnant, broke up with my boyfriend, had my son and recently (within the last 2 weeks) had another surgery. Not to mention, my diet wasn't the best initially either. 

I'm what you call an "emotional eater."

I eat when I'm depressed, angry and sad. It as if I'm trying to fill a void that can never be filled with food, but I continue to try anyway. I actually broke the habit when I was training back in Germany, but with the back to back blows I had in the last 2 years, I fell back into bad habits. It didn't help when I saw friends of mine who are also new mothers dropping their baby weight like it was nothing while I'm over here struggling. So then I thought about it, these women first off were consistently working out and eating way better than I was. So I changed my eating habits. I worked out but only during my classes. Back in Germany I would teach classes and still train on my own. However, as a new mother it is not that easy. I have daycare when I'm working and when I'm not only get 8 free hours a week to use at my gym. So it became increasingly difficult to try to train with no one to watch my son outside those hours once I ran out. 

I then became envious of my friends.

 I became angry because they had their significant other to help them with their children, their family members, etc. and I had no one. I was alone. Yes, I had friends here and there offer to watch my son, but it wasn't consistent and I didn't want to be a burden. It was tough, I wanted to be that mom with the real "snap back" but instead I was the single mom trying to balance my son, my work, my school and my social obligations. The gym was there, but only for work, not for me. As badly as I wanted to get back to training like I used to, I made excuses and then the days I didn't make excuses, I wasn't consistent. It was an internal battle I had with myself daily. I know there are many women out there that can relate to this feeling. 

So then I had to make a decision.

I finally made the decision to let go of my excuses. I decided to maximize my time in the gym. If I could only train 8 hours a week in addition to my classes, then that's what I'd do. Yes,  I used to train 2 hours a day for at least 5 days a week, so this means I will have to cut it down or train more efficiently but something is better than nothing. I had to rid my mind of "old me" and work on creating a new me. Old me is great to reflect back on but I can't be that person anymore. I wasn't a mother then, and now I am. I can still be that "beastly beauty" I once was but I will also have my baby beast with me. About two weeks ago I had surgery. I committed myself as of September 1st to drink at least my body weight in ounces of water a day and to at least walk. So far I have kept my goal. 

It may take me a little longer than most

But that doesn't mean I can't achieve my goals. So the moral of this blog is to tell anyone who reads it the following:
  • Don't compare yourself, you are unique and your body may not respond as fast as others and that is ok.
  • Don't let your circumstances be your excuse. I promise you there are people in the world with way more complicated circumstances but yet still achieve their goals. You just have to want it bad enough.
  • Fitness is not a race, meaning that just because someone gets further than you doesn't mean you're  a failure. Look at their situation and look at yours. If there are things you can change i.e. increasing your exercise and cleaning up your diet, then do it. If you are doing everything you're supposed to do, be patient and trust the process. 
I really hope this post has encouraged someone. We're all on this journey to be healthier and to look and feel better. I'm here to support and motivate you. If you would like more encouragement and accountability, please join my Facebook group

AlcineXtreme Operation TransformHer:

If you're in the Hinesville, GA area and are looking for a personal trainer, e-mail me at


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