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AlcineXtreme's Top 10 Reasons Why You Aren't Seeing Results!

Happy Tuesday Xtremers!! I have a lot of clients that come to me asking me why they aren't seeing results. They tell me, I've been working out, eating good and I have lost a pound! Well I wanted to share with you my list of common reasons why you may not be seeing results.

1. Poor Preparation. Have you made a plan on how you are going to achieve your goals or are you just going  in and winging it each day? A goal without a plan is just a wish. Remember that. 

2. Not drinking enough water. My golden rule for my clients is to get a least half your body weight in ounces of water a day minimum. (Example: You weigh 150lbs, you should get 75oz. which is a little over 9 cups of water a day --8oz = 1 cup)

3. Consuming too many liquid calories. For example, I love juice, more than soda. However did you know the serving size for a glass of orange juice is only 4oz which is about 60 calories?? I know I drink way more than that in a sitting. Imagine if we examined soda, wine, beer, etc. You get the point lol

4. Not getting enough ZZZs. Sleep is a very important component in your overall health. It aids in muscle recovery, muscle hypertrophy and it helps regulate metabolism to name a few. It's recommended by the National Sleep Foundation that adults get at least 7-10 hours of sleep each night. 

5. Skipping breakfast. Breakfast literally means breaking your body's overnight fast. Breakfast -- typically considered the most important meal of the day -- yields several health benefits, including improved concentration and increased energy. Eating a healthy breakfast also aids in weight management by helping to avert cravings and ravenous hunger before lunch. In addition, breakfast influences your metabolism, which can further promote weight loss.

6. Not getting enough protein. I have noticed that my female clients suffer from this the most. As women we tend to think that eating just salads will help us lose weight. And technically you can and will. But anyone who has ever been a client of mine knows that it is not just about weight loss but fat-loss. Weight-loss includes losing fat, muscle and water. We don't want to lose lean muscle because the more lean muscle you have the more calories you burn at rest! So how much protein do you need you ask? You should get at least 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight or 0.36 grams per pound. Naturally these recommendations will change depending on how you're training. This is to just get your started. 

7. Shopping the center aisles. The outside aisles have (almost) everything you need. The only times you should dip into the center aisles is when you are looking for nut butters, dried fruits, dried beans, rice, whole-wheat pasta or canned vegetables. Other center aisle staples include baking products, cooking oils or high fiber breads and cereals. Many of these products can also be found in the organic section (for a higher price), or in the self-serve section where you pay by the pound.

8. Poor record keeping. Do you track your meals? If not, you're probably either overeating/under eating and not even realizing it. When you track your meals, it is easier to pinpoint if you need to make changes in your diet when you're not achieving the results you're working so hard to obtain.  (By the way did you know that I'm a certified Nutritionist? Just throwing that out there... ) MyFitnessPal is a great app. 

9. Not lifting weights. Ok so be honest with yourself... do you even lift? Cardio is great, and your usual go to for exercising. But when you add weights to your workout routine, you're going to take your workout to a whole new level. To all my cardio people: Have you experienced this scenario? Let's use running for my example. You've been running for a couple months now and although the scale does show improvement, you're body is still not quite where you want it. You still look soft in certain areas, perhaps the muscle tone you did have is now fading.. Have you ever experienced this?   Well add some weights in your life and see if that doesn't change your body from that not so satisfying soft look to that lean tone look you've been working so hard to achieve. And to my ladies: lifting weights will not make you huge! There's a lot of things (some not so legal thing) you would have to do to look "manly". That bulky look comes from not losing the fat that is on top of the muscle.. 

10. Giving up. Oh this is easy.... don't!! Don't give up! I don't care how hard it gets, how frustrated you are, remember each day you are doing something positive for yourself! Only you can make this change and remember there are people out there who may look at you and wish they had what you had, have come as far as you did, you never know who you may again DON'T EVER GIVE UP!!!!! 

I am currently accepting clients for personal training, online training and I provide nutrition assessments. Contact me today and let's take your health to the Xtreme!!! 
Image result for accepting new training clients


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