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Introduction to AlcineXtreme's Fit Tips

Welcome to my newest blog, AlcineXtreme's Fit Tips! I would first like to introduce myself, my name is Alcine and I am a Certified Fitness Trainer, Group Exercise Instructor and Team Beachbody Coach. I have been in the fitness industry for almost two years now but have started my own journey to getting my dream body since 2009. I reached my highest weight then,  a little over 300lbs. I can happily say I'm little more than 100lbs less but with about 15 more pounds to go. In addition to teaching over 10 classes a week, I am currently training for my very first Women's Natural Bodybuilding Competition in August 2014. I'm very excited and nervous for this. If I win overall, I can obtain a pro card! (The goal) I train 4x a week with a veteran champion bodybuilder who really knows how to make me push my limits. I will tell you now, training for a competition such as this one and just normal day to day working are totally different. It's more strategic because you are trying to lose fat while keeping muscle. Most people when they lose "weight" it could be fat, water, and muscle depending on the types of activities they are doing and their diet. I will tell you now, diet is very crucial in your weight loss/fat loss journey.

I'm creating this blog to help those who are starting their own fitness journey to provide them with tips to keep them successful. Your fitness journey is not one that you have to go at alone and I would like to provide everyone with a way to get to their goals, whether its through one of my classes, personal training, through team beachbody products or through this blog. My dream is a healthy lifestyle for all and my passion is helping others. Please follow this blog as I will be providing tips at least once weekly. Share this with your friend and I wish you all a happy and fit day!


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