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Personal Diet Modification Plan

Personal Diet Modification Plan

So since I have had my son, I noticed what I used to to lose weight isn't working for me. I recently did a nutritional analysis on myself and I saw that I'm deficient in iron, I'm not drinking nearly enough water and I was ingesting way too many carbohydrates. I highly suggest that people track what they eat, you'd be surprised how you though a little was actually a lot and vice versa. 

So to help myself remember to drink my water, I have purchased the Hydrate Spark water bottle. This water bottle not only tracks how much water I consume but also syncs to my Fitbit and it sends me reminders of when I need to drink water. You can order yours at

To monitor my carbs, I have researched different lower carb option meal preps on Pinterest! I absolutely love Pinterest and I get a lot of my ideas for meals from there. 

Hearty, healthy and light snack boxes for the entire week! With homemade Greek yogurt tuna salad, egg, almonds, cucumber and apple!

20 minutes

Serves 4
2 (5-ounce) cans Tuna in water
4 Bibb lettuce, leaves
1 Braeburn apple
1/4 cup Celery
1 Cucumber
1/4 tsp Garlic powder
1/4 cup Red onion
Refrigerated2 Eggs, large
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp Lemon juice, freshly squeezed
1 tbsp Sweet pickle relish

This recipe can be found


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